What is debt counselling / Wat is skuldberading

Debt Counselling / Debt Review was first introduced into South African law by the National Credit Act which was implemented during 2007.

Since then, Debt Counselling has brought relief to thousands of over-indebted consumers.
If you are experiencing financial/debt difficulties and struggling to pay your debts, chances are that you are over-indebted.

This entitles you to apply to a registered Debt Counsellor to assess your financial situation.

If the Debt Counsellor finds that you are in fact over-indebted, your debt will be restructured by extending the terms and lowering the monthly payments of your debt repayments.

The monthly obligations of consumers can be lowered to as much as 50% with a deduction in interest rates as well;
This restructuring is then made an order of court.

As long as you pay in terms of the court order you are completely protected from legal action by creditors;
Once you feel that you are no longer indebted, you may notify your debt counsellor and commence to pay your normal instalments.

Kindly submit your details here and a debt counsellor/attorney will gladly contact you within 24 hours with advice.


Skuldberading / Skuldhersiening was ingestel in Suid-Afrikaanse reg by wyse van die Nasionale Kredietwet wat geimplimenteer gedurende 2007.

Van toe af het skuldberading verligting vir duisende verbruikers gebring wat oorbelaai is met skuld.
Indien jy finansiƫle/skuld probleme ondervind en jy sukkel om jou skuld te betaal is die kanse goed dat jy oorbelaai is.
Jy is dan geregtig om aansoek vir skuldhersiening te bring by 'n geregistreerde skuldberader om jou finansiƫle situasie te ondersoek.

As die skuldberader bevind dat jy wel oorbelaai is word jou skuld herstruktureer deur die termyne te verleng en die paaiemente te verlaag. In baie gevalle word rente ook verlaag.

Maandelikse paaiemente kan met soveel as 50% verminder word.

Hierdie herstruktureering word dan 'n hofbevel gemaak.

Solank as wat jy betaal in terme van die hofbevel word jy beskerm van krediteure en regsaksie. Sodra jy voel jy kan jou normale paaiemente betaal kan jy onder skuldhersiening uitgaan.

Indien jy enige navrae het stuur gerus jou besonderhede vir ons en 'n skuldberader sal u binne 24 uur kontak.

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